Tuesday, March 30, 2010

YALSA blog mentions pregnant/parenting teens program

Thanks to Angie Manfredi, the presentation I gave at the recent Public Library Association conference was mentioned on the YALSA blog. Angie mentions that my presentation led her to think that collaborations between teen services and children's services library staff can be a great way to conduct library outreach programs to pregnant/parenting teen groups. Oh, to have had time to do the "all day" workshop I have available on this very topic! Angie, you are SO right, and I believe I did briefly mention this fact during the PLA presentation. I go into details about these collaborations a lot more during the all-day workshops I have previously presented elsewhere. Those all-day workshops also help teen services staff realize how to conduct baby storytime programs. So much information, so little time!

It was great meeting Angie at PLA and realizing that she has been challenged to think about "What does my library have available to help teen parents?" I hope the other audience members were equally challenged and inspired! Thanks, Angie!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Maryann! Glad you liked the blog. I am not surprised there's more about how teen librarians can work with their children's services department, I could just feel it! I look forward to hearing more about that, and about this topic in general. Thanks again for such an amazing session! :)