Friday, March 26, 2010

PLA Conference: Confessions of New Directors

One of the sessions I attended at the recent Public Library Association conference (in Portland) was titled "Confessions of the New Director." I took comfort from the presentation when each of the four panelists admitted they don't have all the answers, they sometimes doubt their abilities, they realize they can't please everyone, and they struggle with the fact that "someone is watching" their every move. One of them summarized, "It's lonely at the top." Being a new library director myself, I was tempted to stand up in the crowded room and shout, "Amen, brother! Preach it!" At least one of the presenters admitted that he now wonders what on earth he was thinking when he applied for a position as a library director! These presenters (directors from systems MUCH larger than my lone library) were an encouragement for me, as well as a timely reminder that I don't have to be perfect and know all the answers; I just have to be a passionate librarian and be willing to learn. The presenters also reminded the audience of the importance of having a mentor. Don't I know it! How thankful I am for the colleagues in my life to whom I have turned (often repeatedly) for advice and encouragement. As the panelists at this PLA presentation showed me, asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of wisdom--admitting that you are wise enough to realize you don't have all the answers and you can't "go it alone."

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